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Antony Fitton plastic surgery

Pricing for Plastic Surgery in Plymouth

Pricing for Antony Fitton Plastic Surgery

Outpatient Consultation – One-off fee (includes all subsequent consultations) – £250


Pricing for Plastic Surgery

Amount you will pay*

Abdominoplasty - Mini - (Lipectomy/Apronectomy)


Abdominoplasty - Standard


Abdominoplasty - Fleur-de-lis


Liposuction - Small


Liposuction - Medium


Liposuction - Complex


Abdominoplasty - Standard + Liposuction - Simple


Abdominoplasty - Standard + Liposuction - Medium


Abdominoplasty - Standard + Liposuction - Complex


Abdominoplasty - Fleur-de-lis + Liposuction - Complex


Posterior Abdominoplasty


Gynaecomastia (Minor - Unilateral) - Periareolar (incl. Lipo if required)


Gynaecomastia (Minor - Bilateral) - Periareolar (incl. Lipo if required)


Gynaecomastia (Major - Unilateral) - Open (incl. Lipo if required)


Gynaecomastia (Major - Bilateral) - Open (incl. Lipo if required)





Pricing for Plastic Surgery

Amount you will pay*

Facelift (Mid-Face Only)


Facelift - Mini (MACS) (Lower facelift)


Neck Lift/Platysmaplasty




Blepharoplasty (upper and lower) with GA


Blepharoplasty (upper) with GA


Blepharoplasty (lower) with GA


Blepharoplasty (upper) with LA

£ 3204

Otoplasty with GA (Ear)


Otoplasty with LA (Ear)


Facelift + Neck Lift


Facelift + Necklift + Browlift


Facelift + Upper Blephs


Facelift + Lower Blephs


Facelift + 4 Blephs


Facelift + Browlift


Facelift + Browlift + 4 Blephs


Browlift + 4 Blephs


Browlift + Upper OR Lower Blephs


Arms & Legs

Pricing for Plastic Surgery

Amount you will pay*

Brachioplasty (excess skin on arms)


Thigh Lift


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

from £2963

Trigger Finger

from £2802

Dupuytren’s Contracture

from £4005


Pricing for Plastic Surgery

Amount you will pay*

Breast Augmentation: Standard Round Implant


Breast Augmentation: Teardrop


Breast Reduction - Bilateral


Breast Reduction - Unilateral


Mastopexy - Bilateral


Mastopexy - Unilateral


Augmentation Mastopexy (Round)


Augmentation Mastopexy (Teardrop)


Capsulectomy + Implant Exchange (Round)


Capsulectomy + Implant Exchange (Teardrop)


Bilateral/Unilateral removal of breast implants with capsulectomy


Simple removal of implants (no capsulectomy)


F2M mastectomy + free nipple grafts


* Prices quoted above are approximate.

Costs vary depending on the Provider Hospital you choose to have you surgery with.
Accurate quotes will be provided by either Leanne Kent or Jessica Summers-Evans and can be given to you prior to your appointment.

The wait for your treatment is over

At Antony Fitton Plastic Surgery we understand not everyone can afford, or wants to pay outright, so finance is a great way to spread the cost of your plastic surgery. To make it easy we’ve teamed up with Nuffield Health Plymouth and Duchy Hospital Cornwall so you can quickly and easily apply for a loan. Find out more about your finance options here.

Our Promise

All procedures are carried out by our fully qualified, experienced surgeon. Mr Fitton also only uses the highest quality products.

Our Approach

We understand all our patients are different and we provide a treatment plan based on the results you want to achieve.

Our Awards

Mr Fitton is an FRCS qualified and experienced plastic surgeon with membership in BAAPS, BAPRAS and BSSH.

A big thank you

"I would just like to say a big thank you, to you Leanne, Mr Fitton and all the nurses that I encountered during my stay in hospital and at my pre/post op appointments. You've all been very lovely and provided an amazing service.’"

Life-changing result

"I just wanted to thank you (and your team) for the life-changing result of my top surgery. This will provide me with the freedom that I’m excited to enjoy, including being able to go swimming and actually staying cool in summer! All jokes aside, you have helped to mark a new chapter in my life, for which I am incredibly grateful… ALL the best."

Expertise, huge care and attention

"Thank you so much for your expertise, huge care and attention. I am thrilled with the results!"