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What’s The Difference Between Rhinoplasty And Septoplasty?

What’s The Difference Between Rhinoplasty And Septoplasty?

There are two major categories of nasal surgical procedures: rhinoplasty and septoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is focused on the outward appearance of the nose, while septoplasty addresses internal abnormalities.

If you have aesthetic or functional concerns about your nose, understanding the difference between a rhinoplasty and a septoplasty procedure will help you choose the best treatment for you.

Rhinoplasty is focused on the outward appearance of the nose, while septoplasty addresses internal abnormalities.

The nose is a complex three-dimensional structure, and is arguably the most prominent feature of our face. We are often judged, subconsciously, by the shape of our nose.

Your nose is one of the most noticeable facial features, it also performs the essential task of controlling your airflow while breathing.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is usually a cosmetic or aesthetic operation to change the shape of the nose (outside). Having a ‘nose job’ is one of our most popular facial surgeries.

For patients who are self-conscious about their nose, a rhinoplasty can do wonders for their quality of life by boosting confidence.

Common complaints of the nose of most concern to patients are:

    • Mis-shapened nose
    • Nasal deviation
    • Nasal tip too big or drops of end of the nose
    • Nasal Obstruction

Nose reshaping surgery is individually tailored for each case in order to address the specific features to be corrected. The nose reshaping operation plan is derived from lengthy discussions between the patient and surgeon.

Bear in mind that whilst surgical techniques are advanced, there are medical limitations as to how much the nose can be altered.

What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty straightens and corrects the septum (inside).

The septum is the piece of cartilage that separates the two sides of your nose. It forms the two nasal cavities and also gives support to the structure of the nose. The septum plays a critical role in directing airflow and handling your breathing and can sometimes be irregular or deviated.

Patients with a deviated septum often have difficulty breathing or have issues with chronic sinus infections.

A deviated septum can be uncomfortable and can include:

    • Headaches
    • Constant nasal stuffiness
    • Snoring
    • Sleep apnea
    • Difficulty breathing

Rhinoplasty vs Septoplasty

Both rhinoplasty and septoplasty are cosmetic procedures and must be done by a qualified plastic surgeon.

There are occasions when a surgeon deems both a rhinoplasty and a septoplasty necessary. For example, if the nostrils need to be widened and the septum needs to be straightened, both procedures will be performed during the same surgery.

Every patient is different which is why Mr Fitton takes the time to discuss the most appropriate surgery and achievable results with you.

Antony Fitton can reshape the bridge, tip, septum, nostrils, and overall profile of the nose to enhance the appearance and create a more proportionate nose.

Each patient will be advised on the specific changes that can be performed and manage expectations of what results can be achieved during their consultation.

Antony Fitton can reshape the bridge, tip, septum, nostrils, and overall profile of the nose to enhance the appearance and create a more proportionate nose.

How much does a rhinoplasty cost?

The investment for a rhinoplasty starts at £6,578. This includes your surgeon, the procedure and aftercare.

Actual costs vary depending on your procedure and the provider hospital you choose to have your surgery with.

For a no obligation quote

For a no obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please book in for your consultation with Mr Fitton. Your requirements will be discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.


Managing your expectations about plastic surgery is important regardless of which procedure you wish to have done. It’s critical to have realistic expectations about plastic surgery, but to also ensure you are on the same page as your surgeon.

To find out more about having a treatment, book your no obligation consultation. You will meet with Antony Fitton and receive expert advice tailored to your needs.

Please call us on 07494 250277 or book your consultation using our online form.

Plastic Surgery Consultation:What's involved? A consultation with Antony Fitton plastic surgeon will educate you & put your mind at ease
Mr Fitton practices in Plymouth and Truro.

About your Plastic Surgeon: Mr Antony Fitton

MB, BS(hons)., MD., FRCS(eng)., FRCS(plast).

Mr Antony R Fitton qualified at the Royal London Hospital in 1989 with distinction in Surgery. He holds a MB, BS(hons)., MD., FRCS(eng). and FRCS(plast). (Fellowship at the Royal College of Surgeons).

He is a member of BAPRAS (British Association for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons), BAAPS (British Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons), BSSH (British Society for Surgery of the Hand).

Mr Fitton has received the Paton & Masser Award and the CM Matthews Award from the Royal College of Surgeons of England  or his research in nerve injury.

Mr Fitton is licensed as Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon by the GMC.

A big thank you

"I would just like to say a big thank you, to you Leanne, Mr Fitton and all the nurses that I encountered during my stay in hospital and at my pre/post op appointments. You've all been very lovely and provided an amazing service.’"

Life-changing result

"I just wanted to thank you (and your team) for the life-changing result of my top surgery. This will provide me with the freedom that I’m excited to enjoy, including being able to go swimming and actually staying cool in summer! All jokes aside, you have helped to mark a new chapter in my life, for which I am incredibly grateful… ALL the best."

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"Thank you so much for your expertise, huge care and attention. I am thrilled with the results!"

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