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The 5 main areas to consider when undergoing Facial Surgery - Get reconstructive or aesthetic Facial Surgery in Plymouth.

Facial Surgery in Plymouth

There are 5 main areas to consider when undergoing Facial Surgery.

      • Brow lift – an operation which aims to elevate the position of the eyebrow thus reducing the weight on the upper eyelids and giving a fresh look to the face.
      • Eyelid lift – surgery aimed at rejuvenating the upper or lower, or both, eyelids. It removes redundant skin and muscle and relocates, re-drapes or removes some of the orbital fat.
      • Nose reshaping – A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is designed to refine the shape of the nose including length, width, bumps, injuries or deformities.
      • Facelift – Facelift surgery is an operation designed to rejuvenate the face and neck.
        This will result in a tighter and smoother look and a more youthful appearance.
      • Ear reshaping – Otoplasty, is a procedure that sets back and reshapes the ears, to provide ear form that is socially acceptable and symmetrical.

Facial plastic surgery procedures can be divided into two main groups: reconstructive or aesthetic surgery.

Reconstructive surgery is focused on changing the effects of an accident or trauma, anomalies and facial tumours.

Aesthetic surgery is undertaken to modify the parts of the face that the patient is not happy with to improve their quality of life.

Some procedures that are done for aesthetic reasons may also enhance function – such as blepharoplasty – to improve vision or – rhinoplasty – to help the patient breathe more easily.


Let’s look at each area starting from the top of the face and working down:

      1. Brow lift – This an operation which aims to elevate the position of the eyebrow thus reducing the weight on the upper eyelids and giving a fresh look to the face.

        With age the outer aspects of the brow droop. This distorts the normal flare of the brow line, which can give the look of tiredness, sternness or even anger. To compensate, patients raise their brows by contracting forehead muscles which accentuates forehead wrinkles.

        Most patients focus their attention on their eyelids and fail to realise that their brow position can be the primary cause of their aged appearance. Combining a brow lift with blepharoplasty may optimise the rejuvenation process


Botox can be effective in the short term for a brow lift, and can also reshape your profile. However, in more severe cases brow lift surgery can be considered. This can be performed instead of an upper lid blepharoplasty or the two operations can be combined if needed.

Some procedures that are done for aesthetic reasons may also enhance function – such as blepharoplasty – to improve vision or – rhinoplasty – to help the patient breathe more easily.

2. Eyelid lift – surgery aimed at rejuvenating the upper or lower, or both, eyelids. It removes redundant skin and muscle and relocates, re-drapes or removes some of the orbital fat.

Advancing age, smoking and excessive sun exposure cause laxity of the skin, muscle and other layers of the eyelids. This is marked by loss of normal skin elasticity, lax orbicularis oculi muscle and bulging of orbital fat. The muscles in the eyes can become weak and floppy and cannot retain the fat of the eye socket in its normal position making the eyelids bulge and making you appear more tired, especially in the morning.



Lifestyle changes can reverse the changes in the eyelids, preventing the need for surgical intervention. Blepharoplasty (rejuvenating the upper or lower, or both, eyelids) can be performed either under a general or local anaesthetic and typically takes up to 90 minutes to complete.

Blepharoplasty before and after

3. Nose reshaping – A nose job, or rhinoplasty, is designed to refine and improve the shape of the nose including length, width, bumps, injuries or deformities.

The nose is a complex three-dimensional structure that is arguably the most prominent feature of our face. Nose reshaping surgery is individually tailored for each patient to address the specific features to be corrected. A plan is constructed from lengthy discussions between the patient and surgeon.



Rhinoplasty surgery is a solution for those who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose, those who have experienced trauma to the nose, or those who have functional problems e.g. breathing/sinus difficulties.

It can make the nose smaller or larger, change its shape, or change the angle that exists between the nose and the top lip.

Nose Reshaping, Nose Job, or Rhinoplasty | Antony Fitton Plastic Surgery | Plymouth and Truro

4. Facelift – Facelift surgery is an operation designed to rejuvenate the face and neck. This will result in a tighter and smoother look and a more youthful appearance.

Any patient with ageing facial features may be a candidate for facelift surgery.  To harmonise the facial features a Brow-lift, nose reshaping or Blepharoplasty are commonly performed in conjunction with a facelift.



Surgery is recommended to refine the face and features. Incisions are made from the sideburn skin, in front of the ear to curve below and behind the ear finishing in the hair-bearing scalp skin. The skin, muscle and other layers of the face are delicately dissected and lifted to correct the sagging skin, muscles and fatty components of the lower face and neck.

Facelift before and after

5.  Ear reshaping – Otoplasty, is a procedure that sets back and reshapes the ears, to provide ear form that is socially acceptable and symmetrical.

Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning, ear correction surgery or ear reshaping, is a surgical procedure to change the size, shape or position of the ears. Otoplasty does not alter or affect your hearing, just the appearance of your ears.

Ear surgery or otoplasty usually requires making an incision on the back of the ear and removing some skin. This allows the surgeon access to the ear cartilage which can then be reshaped and repositioned.



Otoplasty will be considered if your ears stick out a lot, if they appear very large in proportion to your head, if you need to correct previous ear surgery, or if your ears have been damaged due to injury or deformities. This procedure aims to provide an ear form that is socially acceptable and symmetrical to make you feel less self-conscious.

Ear surgery

For a no-obligation quote

For a no-obligation quote, tailored specifically to you, please book in for your consultation with Mr Fitton. Your requirements will be discussed in full confidence in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Following your consultation, the price you are quoted includes everything and there are no extra or hidden costs. Advice, treatment and aftercare are all part of our package to ensure your experience is positive from beginning to end.


Managing your expectations about plastic surgery is important regardless of which procedure you wish to have done. It’s critical to have realistic expectations about plastic surgery but to also ensure you are on the same page as your surgeon.

To find out more about having a treatment, book your no-obligation consultation. You will meet with Antony Fitton and receive expert advice tailored to your needs.

Please call us on 07494 250277 or book your consultation using our online form.

Antony Fitton Credentials
Plastic Surgery Consultation:What's involved? A consultation with Antony Fitton plastic surgeon will educate you & put your mind at ease
Mr Fitton practices in Plymouth and Truro.

About your Plastic Surgeon: Mr Antony Fitton

MB, BS(hons)., MD., FRCS(eng)., FRCS(plast).

Mr Antony R Fitton qualified at the Royal London Hospital in 1989 with distinction in Surgery. He holds a MB, BS(hons)., MD., FRCS(eng). and FRCS(plast). (Fellowship at the Royal College of Surgeons).

He is a member of BAPRAS (British Association for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons), BAAPS (British Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons), BSSH (British Society for Surgery of the Hand).

Mr Fitton has received the Paton & Masser Award and the CM Matthews Award from the Royal College of Surgeons of England  or his research in nerve injury.

Mr Fitton is licensed as Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon by the GMC.
    • 0% Finance Available
    • Consultations and treatments are available at either the Nuffield Health Hospital, Plymouth or the Duchy Hospital, Truro
    • Care Quality Commission Regulated
    • GMC Specialist Registered Surgeon
    • BAPRAS, BAAPS and BSSH member
    • Registered MD

A big thank you

"I would just like to say a big thank you, to you Leanne, Mr Fitton and all the nurses that I encountered during my stay in hospital and at my pre/post op appointments. You've all been very lovely and provided an amazing service.’"

Life-changing result

"I just wanted to thank you (and your team) for the life-changing result of my top surgery. This will provide me with the freedom that I’m excited to enjoy, including being able to go swimming and actually staying cool in summer! All jokes aside, you have helped to mark a new chapter in my life, for which I am incredibly grateful… ALL the best."

Expertise, huge care and attention

"Thank you so much for your expertise, huge care and attention. I am thrilled with the results!"

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